Patrick Sweeney
IEP Advisory Board Member since 2014

Advisor Bio

Patrick Sweeney is one of the leading attorneys in the games industry, having served both as in-house and external counsel to a variety of companies in his career.
In his 15+ years in the games industry, Patrick has negotiated an array of game development agreement, resulting in the commercial release of more than 250 games across all distribution platforms and territories. In addition, he has represented clients with respect to the game rights for more than 50 major motion pictures and television properties, as well as negotiated numerous technology licenses and other agreements inherent to the games industry.
Prior to establishing the Interactive Entertainment Law Group in late 2013, Patrick head the Video Game practice for Reed Smith LLP and helped to grow the practice into the largest game-specific legal team in North America.
Patrick has written or been featured in various articles for such publications as The Daily Journal, Game Developer Magazine, [a]List Daily and others. Additionally, Patrick is a frequent speaker on legal issues pertaining to the games industry on behalf of organizations such as Law Seminars International, International Game Developers Association, American Bar Association and the Beverly Hills Bar.
Patrick is also a founding member and co-President of the Video Game Bar Association, an invitation-only organization made up of the top legal practitioners in the games industry.
Patrick is also an Adjunct Professor at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, where he teaches a course entitled Video Game Agreements. He has also lectured law students at University of Southern California, UCLA, Loyola and Washington University.